

Revolution; noun - a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving.

Start a movement, start a revolution, start praying. What do all these phrases have in common? They all refer to something larger than life, being part of a movement and a revolution means being a part of something much larger than just one person. Consequently, prayer is also much larger than life, here on earth so far from the heavens where God dwells, we have access straight to the throne of God. To not only speak freely with the light of the world, but to ask for safety, direction, love, and peace among our sometimes hectic lives here on earth. Having access to Christ is such a powerful thing, the problem is not everybody knows that they have it. That's our job as Christians, to show them the truth and the way, our movement IS prayer.

I challenge every reader to stop and reflect on your life. Find ways you can improve being a witness to those around you and living a holy lifestyle, a lifestyle centered on the Rock we call Jesus Christ and built around prayer. Every day is a new day to not only spread the gospel through your actions and how you live your life, but to also show the world that God is real and you're not ashamed of what you believe!

Our goal here at Onecrown Apparel is to continue this prayer movement that has already been started by many people before us through various types of avenues. As one single individual we can only reach so many people with the gospel of truth and prayer, but as we combine to start a movement we can unite and reach the world. No limits and no boundaries with God on our side, if God before us who can be against us? It starts with a shirt, but it ends in heaven.