PRAYER - What is it?

PRAYER - What is it?

What is it that attracts people to prayer?

Prayer is something that all human beings have a strong connection to, no matter what their personal beliefs. When somebody is lying on their death bed, you can be sure they will say a prayer before they pass away, even if they have never prayed once in their entire life!

It’s in our nature to talk to God in prayer because this is how He created us to communicate with Him. So, whenever we are in a situation where our natural instincts take over, we pray. For example; after any major horrific incident, such as a terrorist attack or an earthquake, the country begins to pray. It doesn't matter what anybody believes or doesn't believe, even the media starts to say things like “let’s pray for the victims”. Movements start up out of nowhere to support victims of these disasters with prayer and suddenly nobody is scared to talk about prayer so freely, but this only lasts for a short time. Soon after the affects of the destruction that took place are forgotten, prayer is also forgotten.

In times of peril our natural instinct to cry out to God for help takes over, and it’s through this that we can see how prayer can be such a powerful influence in the lives of those around us, and how so many people can be attracted to such a simple word. Prayer is built into the very fibers of our being, so when we see the word PRAY on a t-shirt, it triggers emotions within us either of times in our life when we have prayed, or just the fact that the word PRAY is such a powerful statement because it is referring to communication with God.

I don’t think I have owned a shirt that sparks more conversation about God, prayer, and Christianity more than my PRAY shirt does. Every time I wear it out in public, I can count on getting multiple compliments.

“…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” - Mark 16:15
